About Me

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Rank : Professor
Office : 3015
Phone : 4383
E-Mail : taleb@hu.edu.jo
Major :
Research Interests: More
ORCID No.: 302709892
Scopus H-Index: 11
Google H-Index: 14
Clarivate H-Index: 10

Curriculum Vitae

Welcome Message

Dear visitor,

" Assalam Alaycom" and Welcome to the academic website of Prof. Taleb Mustafa Al-Rousan.  This webpage is meant to provide information about my research and teaching activities. Please feel free to browse the website and make use of the information provided. I hope you find the information here relevant and useful!

Warm Regards


About Prof. Taleb Mustafa Al-Rousan

He was awarded, in 2/1994, the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)/ Jordan with a specialization in Transportation and Materials. After graduation, He worked for 1.5 years in a local consultant company supervising the construction of a highway.

He started his graduate studies at JUST in 9/1995 during which he served as a part-time teaching assistant from 9/1995 to 1/1998. His research thesis title was “Analysis of Urban Trips with Perceived Risks in Amman" which was published in a paper journal entitled: “The Impact of Perceived Risk on Urban Commuters Route Choice.” He was awarded a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering with specialization in Transportation in 2/1998. From 10/1998 to 1/2001, he worked in Saudi Arabia in “Dar Alhandasah—Sha’er & Partners” supervising the construction of an expressway project (Almadinah - Alqasim expressway).

In 1/2001, he was awarded a scholarship from The Hashemite University in Jordan to pursue his Ph.D.  in Civil Engineering in the United States. While pursuing  Ph.D. at Texas A&M University, he worked as part-time research assistant at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) for the period from 1/2003 till 12/2004. He was awarded his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering in 12/2004. His Ph.D. dissertation title was "Characterization of Aggregate Shape Properties Using A Computer Automated System."

 Prof. Al-Rousan currently serves as a full professor in civil engineering department at the Hashemite University (from 11/2022 up to now). He worked as an associate prof. from 3/2012 – 11/2022). From 2/2005  to 3/2012 Prof. Al-Rousan served as an assistant professor in the civil engineering department at the Hashemite University. During the period from (8/2014) to (8/2017) he worked as an associate professor and chairman of civil engineering department, faculty of engineering & applied sciences, ALHOSN University, UAE. He also spent his sabbatical year (9/2013 - 8/2014) in University of Tabuk/KSA where he served as an associate professor and chairman of civil engineering department.

Prof. Al-Rousan taught a variety of undergraduate courses over his eighteen years in academia including Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Building materials, traffic safety, Surveying, and others. Dr Al-Rousan was the Chair of civil engineering department for 5 years at different universities (HU/ Jordan, UT/ KSA, and  ALHOSN University / UAE). In addition to the academic experience, he has more than 3 years of industrial experience in Jordan and KSA. He has numerous published works that have received hundreds of citations. His fields of interest include: pavement materials, roadway condition evaluation and management, Traffic safety studies, evaluating pavement materials using Image analysis techniques, and evaluating the use of recycled materials on pavement performance.






Contact information:

Work Address:

Department of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

The Hashemite University
P.O. Box 330127
Zarqa 13133

Phone (work):            +962 5 3903333 Ex. 4383, 4465   

Fax:                           +962 5 382 6348

E-Mail:                        taleb@hu.edu.jo   


Announcements & Shortcuts

Announcements,Important Links and Shortcuts services


Important Links

Federal Highway Administration website (FHWA): http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/

Pavement Interactive:https://pavementinteractive.org/ 

National Center of Asphalt Technology (NCAT): http://www.eng.auburn.edu/research/centers/ncat/

Internationa Center for Aggregate Research (ICAR): http://www.icar.utexas.edu/

Texas Transportation Institute: http://tti.tamu.edu/


BlackBoard at HU e-leaning website: http://www.hlms.hu.edu.jo/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp


In this services you have a shortcuts that may help you




Selected Publications & Scientific Research

The DSR is mainly concerned with promoting and supervising research activities at HU. Scientific research is facing major challenges and constraints, which mandate creating appropriate research environment, effective management protocols, and updated legislations and regulations. As the progress in scientific research necessitates continuous development of supplies and equipment, the Deanship provides financial support to enable researchers to conduct research. The university allocates annually at least 3% of its budget to support scientific research proposals that focus on the needs and priorities of public and private sectors and contribute in solving problems of local communities.

Contact us



The Hashemite University
P.O. Box 330127, Zarqa 13133, Jordan
