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Wa'el Naji Mohammad Salah
Free Electron Laser
Laser Physics
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics
Office No. :
Physics Building 209
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Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble I
Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble I
Yarmouk University
- Linear Accelerator - Theoretical Free Electron Laser Physics (FEL) - Experimental and Theoretical Atomic Laser Spectroscopy - Experimental and Theoretical X-Ray Fluorescence - Beam Optics Synchrotron Radiation
35- Ola Hassouneh, Wa'el Salah Relativistic calculations of the Landé gJ-factors, and hyperfine parameters in Ra-223 isotope European Physical Journal Plus, 137 (2022) 426 34- Wa'el Salah, Ola Hassouneh Relativistic calculations of the energy levels and the transition parameters in 223Ra I. European Physical Journal Plus, 136, (2021) 654 33- Ola Hassouneh, Wa'el Salah Theoretical analysis of the relativistic hyperfine interaction in 131Xe I. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfere, 255 (2020) 107246. 32- Ola Hassouneh, Wa'el Salah, Sajeda Bathish Atomic data of 5g[K]J, 6f[K]J, nd[K]J (n = 7, 8), 8p[K]J and 9s[K]J autoionizing Rydberg series of 129Xe I. Results in Physics Journal, 16 (2020) 102864. 31- Wa'el Salah, Ola Hassouneh The relativistic computations of spectral lines of 129Xe I Results in Physics Journal, 12 (2019) 153 30- N. Ershaidat, W. Salah Analysis of the Force Exerted on an Accelerated Beam of Electrons by Its Own Wakefield in the Laser-Driven Rf-gun. Jordan Journal of Physics, 11(2), (2018) 115. 29- Wa'el Salah, Ola Hassouneh Extensive and accurate relativistic calculations of atomic data on the 83Kr I spectrum. Journal of Physics Communications. 2 (2018) 035014. 28- O. Hassouneh, W. Salah Atomic data of intermediate autoionzing Rydberg series nf[K]J (n = 4, 5), nd[K]J (n = 5, 6), np[K]J (n = 6, 7) and ns[K]J (n = 7, 8) of neutral argon atom in the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock framework. The European Physical Journal Plus (2017) 132: 312. 27- W. Salah, O. Hassouneh Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock energy levels, oscillator strengths, transition probabilities, hyperfine constants and Lande´g-factor of intermediate Rydberg series in neutral argon atom. The European Physical Journal Plus (2017) 132: 160. 26- W. Salah Analysis of space charge fields using the Lienard-Wiechert potential and the method of images during the photoemission of the electron beam from the cathode. The European Physical Journal Plus (2017) 132: 18. 25- W. Salah, O. Hassouneh Spectroscopic parameters of neutral argon atom. Acta Physica Polonica A130, (2016) 1288 24- H. Ghanem, S. Abduljawad, M. Al-Saleh, Y. Hussain and W. Salah Effect of dc-Bias on the dielectric behavior of CNT/ABS Physica B, 418, (2013) 41 23- A. Tahat, W. Salah Designing of an Electronic Comprehensive Atomic Database accessible via WWW, for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, With an Online Highly Qualified Computing Capabilities International Journal of Data Database Management System (IJDMS), Vol. 3(2) (2011) 1 22- A. Tahat, M. Tahat, W. Salah Python GUI Scripting Interface for Running Atomic Physics Applications The Python Paper Source Codes, Volume 3 (2011) 3 21- W. Salah, M. Del-Rio Geometrical layout and optics modeling of the surface science beamline station at the SESAME synchrotron radiation facility. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 18(2011) 515 20- A. Tahat, W. Salah, and A. B. Hallak PASS (Pixe Analysis Shell Software): "A computer utility program for the evaluation of PIXE spectra". International Journal of PIXE,20(3-4) (2010) 63 19- W. Salah, Manuel S. Del-Rio, Hafeez Hoorani Ray Tracing Flux Calculation for the Small and Wide angle X-Ray Scattering Diffraction (SAXS/WAXS) Station at the SESAME Synchrotron Radiation Facility Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80 (2009) 095106 18- W. Salah, Roger M. Jones, J.-L. Coacolo Analysis of space charge fields using Lienard-Wiechert potentials and Method of Images in the RF-Free Electron Laser Photoinjector Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. A607 (2009)498 17- W. Salah, Roger M. Jones, J.-L. Coacolo ''Analysis of the Transverse Kick to Beams in Low-Frequency Photoinjectors Due to Wakefield Effects'' Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. A601 (2009) 264 16- J. P. Berthet, F. Glotin, J. M. Ortega, W. Salah '' Beam Adaptation at the Infrared FEL CLIO'' European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2006, 56-59, Edinburgh, UK 15- W. Salah, J. L. Coacolo, A. B. Hallak, M. Al. Obaid "Time Dependent Formulation of the Energy Loss by an Accelerated Intense Electron Beam just Emitted by the Cathode of RF-FEL Photoinjector" Nucl. Inst. & meth. A 564 (1) (2006) 66 14- W. Salah, J. Al-Jundi, “Measurement of L X-Ray Cross-Sections and Relative Intensities of Heavy Elements by 15.2 keV Photons” J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 94 (3) (2005) 325. 13-W. Salah, A. B. Hallak “ Analysis of a High-Brightness Electron Beam by the short range Monopole Wake Fields Driven by an Accelerated Electron Beam During its Penetration in the Drift Tube of the Laser-Driven RF-Electron Gun. J. Phys. D, Applied Physics. 38 (2005) 2292. 12-J. Al-Jundi, W. Salah, M. S. Bawa'aneh, and F. Afaneh "Exposure to Radiation From the Natural Radioactivity in Jordanian Building Materials " Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal. 118(1)(2005)93. 11-W. Salah, " Analytical and Numerical Analysis of the Wake Field Driven by an Accelerated Electron Beam During its Penetration in the Drift Tube of the Laser-Driven RF-Electron Gun '' Nucl. Inst. & meth. A 533(3) (2004) 248. 10-W. Salah, " L-x-ray Fluorescence Cross Sections of Heavy Elements in the Atomic Region 57 < Z < 71" X-Ray Spectrom. 33(5) (2004) 372. 9- W. Salah, '' Perturbation of the Energy Loss Spectra for an Accelerated Electron Beam Due to the Photo injector Exit Aperture '' Eur. Phys. J. AP., 21 (1) ( 2003 ) 53. 8- W. Salah, "Modal Analysis of the Energy Loss for an Accelerated Electron Beam Passing Through a Laser Driven RF-Gun" Europhys. Lett. 58(5) (2002) 673. 7-W. Salah, " Experimental Measurements of the Landé Factor of Some Levels in Argon Atom Situated Near the First Limit of Ionization" . Nucl. Inst. & meth. B, 196 (2002) 25. 6- W. Salah, '' L-Shell Fluorescence Cross-Sections and relative intensities for La, Pr, Nd,Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb, and Lu at 16.9 keV'' Eur. Phys. J. AP.,19 ( 2002 ) 69. 5- A. B. Hallak, W. Salah, J. Al-Jundi, and M. Jaghoub, "L- Subshell Ionization of Lutetium by Ion Bombardment" X-Ray Spectrom. 31 (5) (2002) 391. 4- W. Salah, "Time Dependant Analysis of the Short-Range Monopole Wake Fields Driven by Accelerated Electron Beams" Nucl. Inst. & meth. A 480 (2002) 398. 3-W. Salah and J.-M. Dolique ‘’Emittance growth due to the wake field driven by an electron beam accelerated in a RF-gun of Free Electron Laser ‘’ELSA’’’ Nucl. Inst. & meth. A 452 (2000) 18. 2- W. Salah and J.-M. Dolique ,‘’ Theoretical approach of the Photo injector exit aperture influence on the wake field driven by an electron beam accelerated in a RF gun of Free Electron Laser ‘’ELSA’ Nucl. Inst. & meth. A 447 (2000) 309. 1-W. Salah and J.-M. Dolique,‘’ wake field of an electron beam accelerated in a RF-gun of Free electron laser‘’ELSA’’ ” Nucl. Inst. & meth. A431 (1999) 27.
September 11, 2016-Present: Professor of Physics, Physics Department, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. September 11, 2015-September 6, 2016: Sabbatical leaves, Physics department, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan December 7, 2009- Present, Professor of Physics, Physics Department, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan December 7, 2009: Promotion to Professor grade in Physics, Physics Department, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan October 29, 2007-Decwmber 6, 2009:Associate Professor Rank A, Physics Department, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. October 29, 2007:Promotion to Associate Professor Rank A of Physics,The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan September 17, 2006 –September 16 2007: Head of the Physics Department, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. September 1, 2003-October 28,2007:Associate professor of physics, The Hashemite University, Zarka- Jordan September 1, 2003:Promotion to associate professor of Physics, The Hashemite University, Zarka-Jordan February 2000 – August 31, 2003: Assistant professor of physics (rank A), The Hashemite University, Zarka-Jordan September 1998 – January 2000:Assistant professor of physics, Al-Balqa Applied University, Amman College for engineering Technology, Jordan October 1995 – September 1998: Assistant Professor of Physics, Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq - Jordan. 1st July 95 - October 95:Postdoctoral position Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble I, pursue my research on Free Electron Laser. January 92 - June 92:Research to produce high quality thin magnetic films by several techniques such as Laser evaporation at Louis Neel Laboratory of magnetism, CNRS, Grenoble-France. February 91-June 91:Research on Atomic Laser Spectroscopy and Laser Physics at Atomic Spectroscopy Laboratory, Caen University, Caen, France.
July 14-December 24, 2008 IAEA Fellow, Synchrotron Radiation Source SRS Daresbury,Warrington, WA4 4AD, UK. June 8-July 8, 2008: Visiting Professor, University Paris-Sud, LIXAM Laboratory, Orsay, France June 1 –August 30, 2007: Occasional Researcher, Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Physics, Daresbury Laboratory Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, UK June 1 – September 30, 2006: Associate Researcher, Laboratoire de Chemie-Physique, Centre Universitaire Paris-Sud, Free Electron Laser CLIO. June 1 – September 30, 2005: Associate Researcher, Laboratoire Lure, Centre Universitaire Paris-Sud, Free Electron Laser CLIO.
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