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Mohammad Shawqi Omar Sarsak
General Topology
General Topology
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
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University of Jordan
University of Jordan
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia,1984
General Topology: Covering properties, generalized closed sets and associated separation axioms.
Publications 1. H. Hdeib and M. Sarsak, On Strongly Lindelof Spaces, Q&A in General Topology, 18(2) (2000), 289-297. 2. H. Hdeib and M. Sarsak, On Almost Lindelof Spaces, Q&A in General Topology, 19(1) (2001), 17-25. 3. M. Sarsak, On Relatively Almost Lindelof Subsets, Acta Math. Hungar., 97(1-2) (2002), 109-114. 4. M. Sarsak, On Almost rc-Lindelof Sets, Acta Math. Hungar., 100(1-2) (2003), 1-7. 5. M. Sarsak, w- Almost Lindelof Spaces, Q&A in General Topology, 21(1)(2003), 27-35. 6. M. Sarsak and M. Ganster, A Negative Answer To Some Questions of Arenas, Dontchev and Ganster, Q&A in General Topology, 21(2)(2003), 203-206. 7. M. Sarsak, Locally FCC Spaces, Acta Math. Hungar., 102(4)(2004), 327-332. 8. M. Sarsak, Quasi Continuous Functions, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, 27(2) (2005), 407-414. 9. M. Sarsak and M. Ganster, On Pi- Metacompact Spaces, International Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 20(3) (2005), 313-317. 10. M. Sarsak, Quasi Separation Axioms, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 30(1) (2006), 25-31. 11. M. Sarsak, M. Ganster and M. Steiner, On Si- Metacompact Spaces, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 34 (2006), 1-7. 12. M. Sarsak, More on rc-Lindelof Sets and Almost rc-Lindelof Sets, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2006, 1-9. 13. H. Hdeib and M. Sarsak, A Note On Strongly Lf- Spaces, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, 28(2) (2006), 439-442. 14. M. Sarsak and N. Rajesh, Weak Separation Axioms Via g telda Open Sets, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 30(3) (2008), 457-471. 15. M. Sarsak and H. Hdeib, On The Product of Two Lindelof Spaces, International Mathematical Forum 3 (41) (2008), 1-6. 16. M. Sarsak and H. Hdeib, Weakly ALC Spaces, International Mathematical Forum 3 (41) (2008), 7-14. 17. M. S. Sarsak, A-rc-LC Spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 26 (2) (2008), 105-113. 18. M. Sarsak, Weak Forms of Continuity and Associated Properties, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2008, 1-9. 19. M. Sarsak, On A Question of Al-Hawari and Al-Omari, Q&A in General Topology, 27(1) (2009), 31-38. 20. M. Sarsak, An answer to a question of Caldas, Jafari and Noiri, Q&A in General Topology, 27(1) (2009), 51-55. 21. M. Sarsak, On b-open sets and associated generalized open sets, Q&A in General Topology, 27(2) (2009), 157-173. 22. M. Sarsak, A decomposition of w-almost Lindelof spaces, Q&A in General Topology, 27(2) (2009), 137-139. 23. M. Sarsak and N. Rajesh, Special Functions On Bitopological Spaces, International Mathematical Forum 4 (36) (2009), 1775-1782. 24. M. Sarsak, An answer to some questions of Dontchev and Ganster on nearly compact spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 28 (1) (2010), 105-108. 25. M. Sarsak, An answer to some questions of Dontchev, Ganster and Noiri on p-closed spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 28 (1) (2010), 97-103. 26. M. Sarsak, N. Gowrisankar and N. Rajesh, On pre-bg-closed functions and associated properties, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 5, 2010, no. 6, 289-296. 27. M. Sarsak, N. Gowrisankar and N. Rajesh, On upper and lower faintly gamma continuous multifunctions, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 5, 2010, no. 6, 281-288. 28. M. Sarsak and H. Hdeib, Relatively strongly normal and relatively normal subspaces, International Mathematical Forum, 5, 2010, no. 12, 579-586. 29. M. Sarsak and N. Rajesh, pi-generalized semi-preclosed sets, International Mathematical Forum, 5, 2010, no. 12, 573-578. 30. M. S. Sarsak, On semicompact sets and associated properties, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2009, 1-8. 31. M. S. Sarsak and N. Rajesh, Low separation axioms via g telda D-sets, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 5, 2010, no. 6, 275-280. 32. M. S. Sarsak, SCP spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 28 (2) (2010), 187-195. 33. M. S. Sarsak and N. Rajesh, New types of continuity via g telda-open sets, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 1, Issue. 3, 2009, pp. 23-31. 34. M. S. Sarsak, On B_I-metacompact spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2010, 911-921. 35. R. Devi, M. S. Sarsak, A. Selvakumar and R. Jeevitha, New separation axioms via g telda-p-open sets, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, 2010, 84-94. 36. M. S. Sarsak, More on relatively almost countably compact subsets, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, 2010, 95-104. 37. M. S. Sarsak, S. Jafari, T. Noiri and M. Caldas, Weak separation axioms via pre-regular p-open sets, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, 2010, 1-13. 38. M. S. Sarsak, Weak separation axioms in generalized topological spaces, Acta Math. Hungar., Vol. 131 (1-2) (2011), 110-121. 39. M. S. Sarsak, New separation axioms in generalized topological spaces, Acta Math. Hungar., Vol. 132 (3) (2011), 244-252. 40. M. S. Sarsak, On s-closed sets and rs-Lindelof sets, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 29 (2) (2011), 119-130. 41. M. S. Sarsak, B-closed spaces , Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2012, 195-206. 42. M. S. Sarsak, Weakly m-compact spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2012, 929-938. 43. M. S. Sarsak, On some properties of generalized open sets in generalized topological spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2013, 415-427. 44. On m-compact sets in m-spaces, Q & A in General Topology, 31 (1) (2013), 49-57. 45. m_c square spaces, Q & A in General Topology, to appear. 46. M. S. Sarsak, m-S-closed spaces, Acta Math. Hungar., DOI: 10.1007/s10474-015-0532-7, Volume 146, Issue 2 (2015), Page 285-299.. 47. A. Acikgoz, N. A. Tas and M. S. Sarsak, Contra g-alpha and g-beta-preirresolute functions on GTS'S, Math Sci (2015) 9:79–86, DOI 10.1007/s40096-015-0152-y. 48. M. S. Sarsak, m-T_3/4-generalized topological spaces, Q & A in General Topology, 34 (2016), 11-19. 49. M. Abuage, A. Kiliçman and M. S. Sarsak, nv- Lindelofness, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 11(S) April (2017), 73-86. 50. M. S. Sarsak, More on z-ideals and z0 -ideals of C(X), Q & A in General Topology, 37 (1) (2019), 13-17. 51. M. S. Sarsak, On strongly m-Lindelof sets in m-spaces, Q & A in General Topology, 37 (1) (2019), 1-12. 52. M. S. Sarsak, On dm-Lindelof sets via generalized topological spaces, Q & A in General Topology, 37 (2) (2019), 77-87. 53. M. S. Sarsak, On almost m-Lindelof sets in m-spaces, Q & A in General Topology, 38 (2) (2020), 115-126. 54. M.S. Sarsak, A. Aç?kg?z, S. G?ktepe, On delta-beta-beta star g-continuous functions, Q & A in General Topology, 39 (1) (2021), 27-41. 55. M. S. Sarsak, More on ?-semi-Lindel?f sets in ?-spaces, Demonstr. Math. 54 (2021), no. 1, 259-271, DOI:
Experiences 1. Assistant Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, October, 4, 1999-March, 23, 2008. 2. Associate Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, March, 24, 2008–September, 6, 2008. 3. Associate Professor, Jordan University, Jordan, September, 7, 2008–September, 5, 2009. 4. Associate Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, September, 13, 2009–September, 8, 2012. 5. Associate Professor, Qatar University, Qatar, September, 16, 2012–June, 13, 2013.1. 6. Associate Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, June, 14, 2013– July, 7, 2013. 7. Full Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, July, 8, 2013–Till date.
Teaching Record (i) I have taught the following courses at the Hashemite University. 1. Calculus I 2. Calculus II 3. Calculus III 4. Mathematics for Engineering I 5. Mathematics for Engineering II 6. Discrete Mathematics 7. Foundations of Mathematics 8. Linear Algebra I 9. Real Analysis I 10. Real Analysis II 11. Abstract Algebra I 12. Ordinary Differential Equations I 13. Topology I 14. Topology II 15. Mathematics for Economics & Business 16. Special Topics (Generalized Open Sets) (ii) I have taught the following courses at the University of Jordan. 1. Calculus I 2. Calculus II 3. General Topology (iii) I have taught the following courses at Qatar University 1. Intermediate Algebra 2. Calculus III
Experiences 1. Assistant Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, October, 4, 1999-March, 23, 2008. 2. Associate Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, March, 24, 2008–September, 6, 2008. 3. Associate Professor, Jordan University, Jordan, September, 7, 2008–September, 5, 2009. 4. Associate Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, September, 13, 2009–September, 8, 2012. 5. Associate Professor, Qatar University, Qatar, September, 16, 2012–June, 13, 2013.1. 6. Associate Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, June, 14, 2013– July, 7, 2013. 7. Full Professor, Hashemite University, Jordan, July, 8, 2013–Till date.
Conferences The first conference\Third Science Day, Faculty of Science & Arts, University of Science & Technology, Jordan, May, 23, 2000. Committee Service 1. A committee member of the council of the Faculty of Science and Arts, Hashemite University, Jordan, 2002/ 2003. 2. A committee member of the realization in disagreements of the students, Faculty of Science, Hashemite University, Jordan, 2005/ 2006. 3. A committee member of the realization in disagreements of the students, Faculty of Science, Hashemite University, Jordan, 2006/ 2007. 4. A committee member of the university qualifying exam, Faculty of Science, Hashemite University, Jordan, 2006/ 2007. 5. A committee member of promotion, Faculty of Science, Hashemite University, Jordan, 2007/ 2008. 6. Several participations in the committees of the Department of Mathematics, Hashemite University, Jordan, October, 4, 1999-September, 6, 2008 & September, 13, 2009-September, 8, 2012, September, 1, 2013– Till date.. Examination Committee 1. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On Strongly Von Neumann Local Regular Rings” prepared by Hassan Ali Al-Khalaf under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2006. 2. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On The Zero Divisor Graph Of C(X)” prepared by Ahmed Yousef El- Dweik under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2006. 3. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “The Pure Part Of The Ideals In The Ring C(X)” prepared by Muna A. Nu’man under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2007. 4. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Some Properties of the Ring of Continuous Functions Vanishing at Infinity” prepared by Amani Khalil Shatara under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2011. 5. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Two basic generalizations of locally compact spaces” prepared by Maysoon Mustafa Qooseeny under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2012. 6. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Some applications of semi-open sets in topological spaces” prepared by Diana Amin Mahmoud under the supervision of Professor Taysir M. Nour, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2014. 7. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “A study of some applications of regular open sets in topological spaces” prepared by Nabeela Abu Kishk under the supervision of Professor Taysir M. Nour, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2014. 8. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On relative z-ideals” prepared by Enas Ali Abu Eid under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2015. 9. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Some properties of hyperconnected spaces” prepared by Ammar Ibraheem Al-Bdoor under the supervision of Professor Taysir M. Nour, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2017. 10. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Pairwise L-closed spaces” prepared by Eman Mohammad Saleem Almohor under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2018. 11. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “C-closed spaces in the realm of bitopological spaces” prepared by Nosaiba Mohammad Ata Omer under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2019. 12. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On D-spaces and covering properties” prepared by Talal H. Alrawajfeh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, July, 2019. 13. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Some local properties in bitopological spaces” prepared by Nabeela Ibraheem Abu-Alkishik under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2020. 14. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Total paracompactness and base paracompactness in bitopological spaces” prepared by Nabaweah Abdalmoti Al-rawashdeh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2020. 15. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Pairwise sequential spaces” prepared by Ali Awad Hasan Al-Saraireh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2021. 16. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Some properly hereditary bitopological properties” prepared by Bakr Mohammed Al-Kasasbeh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2021. 17. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Results concerning some generalized covering properties in bitopological spaces” prepared by Maysoon Mustafa Qousini under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2021. 18. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “w-closed mappings in bitopological spaces” prepared by Ahmad Sh. Algawagneh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2021. Referee Committee 1. A member of the referee committee of the Dirasat Journal, The University of Jordan, Jordan. 2. A member of the referee committee of the Oriental Journal of Mathematical Sciences, School of Mathematical Sciences Society, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia. 3. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, Korea. 4. A member of the referee committee of Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal, Pure Science and Engineering Series, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. 5. A member of the referee committee of the Kochi Journal of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2-5-1, Akebono-cho, Kochi 780-8520, Japan. 6. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of the BULLETIN of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Malaysia. 7. A member of the referee committee of the Journal “Demonstratio Mathematica”. 8. A member of the referee committee of the Journal “Mathematica Bohemica”. 9. A member of the referee committee of the “Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics”. 10. A member of the referee committee of the conference of the Private Zarqa University (2010-2011). 11. A member of the referee committee of the Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Yarmouk University, Jordan. 12. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS). 13. A member of the referee committee of Questions and Answers in General Topology. 14. A member of the referee committee of Le Matematiche.1. 15. A member of the referee committee of Fasciculi Mathematici. 16. A member of the referee committee of Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society. 17. A member of the referee committee of Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 18. A member of the referee committee of Filomat. 19. A member of the referee committee of the Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics. 20. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra. 21. A member of the referee committee of the Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 22. A member of the referee committee of Afrika Matematika. Editorial Committee 1. A member of the editorial board of the Antarctica Journal of Mathematics. 2. A member of the editorial board of the Archimedes Journal of Mathematics.
Conferences The first conference/Third Science Day, Faculty of Science & Arts, University of Science & Technology, Jordan, May, 23, 2000. Examination Committee 1. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On Strongly Von Neumann Local Regular Rings” prepared by Hassan Ali Al-Khalaf under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2006. 2. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On The Zero Divisor Graph Of C(X)” prepared by Ahmed Yousef El- Dweik under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2006. 3. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “The Pure Part Of The Ideals In The Ring C(X)” prepared by Muna A. Nu’man under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2007. 4. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Some Properties of the Ring of Continuous Functions Vanishing at Infinity” prepared by Amani Khalil Shatara under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2011. 5. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Two basic generalizations of locally compact spaces” prepared by Maysoon Mustafa Qooseeny under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2012. 6. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Some applications of semi-open sets in topological spaces” prepared by Diana Amin Mahmoud under the supervision of Professor Taysir M. Nour, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2014. 7. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “A study of some applications of regular open sets in topological spaces” prepared by Nabeela Abu Kishk under the supervision of Professor Taysir M. Nour, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2014. 8. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On relative z-ideals” prepared by Enas Ali Abu Eid under the supervision of Doctor Emad Abu Osba, The University of Jordan, Jordan, December, 2015. 9. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “Some properties of hyperconnected spaces” prepared by Ammar Ibraheem Al-Bdoor under the supervision of Professor Taysir M. Nour, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2017. 10. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Pairwise L-closed spaces” prepared by Eman Mohammad Saleem Almohor under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2018. 11. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “C-closed spaces in the realm of bitopological spaces” prepared by Nosaiba Mohammad Ata Omer under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2019. 12. A member of the examination committee of the master thesis titled “On D-spaces and covering properties” prepared by Talal H. Alrawajfeh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, July, 2019. 13. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Some local properties in bitopological spaces” prepared by Nabeela Ibraheem Abu-Alkishik under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2020. 14. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Total paracompactness and base paracompactness in bitopological spaces” prepared by Nabaweah Abdalmoti Al-rawashdeh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2020. 15. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Pairwise sequential spaces” prepared by Ali Awad Hasan Al-Saraireh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2021. 16. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Some properly hereditary bitopological properties” prepared by Bakr Mohammed Al-Kasasbeh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, April, 2021. 17. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “Results concerning some generalized covering properties in bitopological spaces” prepared by Maysoon Mustafa Qousini under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2021. 18. A member of the examination committee of the doctoral thesis titled “w-closed mappings in bitopological spaces” prepared by Ahmad Sh. Algawagneh under the supervision of Professor Hasan Z. Hdeid, The University of Jordan, Jordan, August, 2021. Referee Committee 1. A member of the referee committee of the Dirasat Journal, The University of Jordan, Jordan. 2. A member of the referee committee of the Oriental Journal of Mathematical Sciences, School of Mathematical Sciences Society, 11800 USM Penang, Malaysia. 3. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, Korea. 4. A member of the referee committee of Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal, Pure Science and Engineering Series, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. 5. A member of the referee committee of the Kochi Journal of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2-5-1, Akebono-cho, Kochi 780-8520, Japan. 6. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of the BULLETIN of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Malaysia. 7. A member of the referee committee of the Journal “Demonstratio Mathematica”. 8. A member of the referee committee of the Journal “Mathematica Bohemica”. 9. A member of the referee committee of the “Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics”. 10. A member of the referee committee of the conference of the Private Zarqa University (2010-2011). 11. A member of the referee committee of the Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Yarmouk University, Jordan. 12. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS). 13. A member of the referee committee of Questions and Answers in General Topology. 14. A member of the referee committee of Le Matematiche. 15. A member of the referee committee of Fasciculi Mathematici. 16. A member of the referee committee of Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society. 17. A member of the referee committee of Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 18. A member of the referee committee of Filomat. 19. A member of the referee committee of the Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics. 20. A member of the referee committee of the Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra. 21. A member of the referee committee of the Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 22. A member of the referee committee of Afrika Matematika. Editorial Committee 1. A member of the editorial board of the Antarctica Journal of Mathematics. 2. A member of the editorial board of the Archimedes Journal of Mathematics.
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