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Nedal Mohammad Fandi Tahat
Applied of number theory and algebra
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
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University Kebangssan Malaysia
AL al-Bayt University
Yarmouk University
My principal research interests are in the field of Digital Signature Schemes, Number Theory, Cryptography, Fixed Point theorem and Applications of Fixed point Theorem.
1. Nedal Tahat, Mohd Taib Shatnawi, Safaa Shatnawi, O. Y. Ababneh & Obaida M. Al-Hazaimeh, “A signature algorithm based on chaotic maps and factoring problems” Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. 2022 (Scopus Q1) 2. Mohammad Alaroud, Osama Ababneh, Nedal Tahat and Shrideh Al-Omari.” Analytic technique for solving temporal time-fractional gas dynamics equations with Caputo fractional derivative, AIMS Mathematics, 7(10): 17647–17669. (Scopus Q1, ISI. IMF.2.8), 2022. 3. Nedal Tahat , Rania Shaqbou’a, Maysam Abu-Dalu, Ala Qadomi,’ Development of a New Chaotic Maps Cryptosystem with Quadratic Residue Problem,” International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 11, (Scopus, Q2), 2022. 4. Nedal Tahat and Safaa Shatnawi, New Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve and Factoring Problems Using Chaotic Map, Journal of Applied Security Research, vol .17. (Scopus Q2), 2022. 5. Mohammad Alaroud, Nedal Tahat, Shrideh Al-Omari, D. L. Suthar, and Selma Gulyaz- Ozyurt An Attractive Approach Associated with Transform Functions for Solving Certain Fractional Swift-Hohenberg Equation. Journal of Function Spaces Volume 2021, Article ID 3230272, 14 page. (ISI, IF. 1.807) ,2021. 6. Albadarneh, R.B., Batiha, I., Alomari, A.K., Tahat, N. Numerical approach for approximating the caputo fractional-order derivative operator, AIMS Mathematics, 6(11), pp. 12743–12756 ( Scopus Q2, ISI. IMF.1.45), 2021. 7. Albadarneh, R.B., Batiha, I.M., Adwai, A., Tahat, N., Alomari, A.K. Numerical approach of riemann-liouville fractional derivative operator, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11(6), pp. 5367–5378 (Scopus Q2) ,2021. 8. Nedal Tahat, A. K. Alomari, Obaida M. Al-Hazaimeh & Mohammad F. Al-Jamal,” An efficient self-certified multi-proxy signature scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 07 May 2020. (2020) (Scopus Q3, Taylor and Francis) 9. Nedal Tahat, Ashraf A. Tahat, Maysam Abu-Dalu, Ramzi B. Albadarneh, Alaa E. Abdallah,Obaida M. Al-Hazaimeh, A new RSA public key encryption scheme with chaotic maps, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Vol. 10, No. 2,, pp. 1430-1437. (2020 ) (Scopus Q2). 10. Herbadji, D., Derouiche, N., Belmeguenai, A., Nedal Tahat., Boumerdassi, S. A new colour image encryption approach using a combination of two 1D chaotic map ,International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics,2020, 12(4), pp. 337– 356 11 . Tahat, N., Tahat, A.A., Albadarneh, R.B., Edwan, T.A. Design of identity-based blind signature scheme upon chaotic maps, International journal of online and biomedical engineering, 2020, 16(5), pp. 104–118 (Scopus Q3) 12. Albadarneh, R.B., Batiha, I.M., Tahat, N., Alomari, A.-K.N. Analytical solutions of linear and non-linear incommensurate fractional-order coupled systems, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 2020, 21(2), pp. 776–7970 13. Nedal Tahat, Ashraf A. tahat, “Identity-Based Threshold Group Signature Scheme Based on Multiple Hard Number Theoretic Problems” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.10, No.4. (2020 ) (Scopus Q2). 14. Mohammad S. Hijazi, Nedal Tahat,?, Ashraf A. Tahat , Raft Abdelrahim and Eddie S. Ismail,” Authenticated Encryption Scheme Based on ECDLP and DLP, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 14, No. 3, 425-430 (2020) ( Scopus). 15 Nedal Tahat, Ashraf A. Tahat, Ramzi B. Albadarneh, Talal A.Edwan , ” Design of Identity-Based Blind Signature Scheme Upon Chaotic Maps, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering,Vol.16, No.05, (2020) (Scopus Q3). 16. Ramzi B. Albadarneh , A.K. Alomari, Nedal Tahat, Iqbal Batiha,” Analytic solution of nonlinear singular BVP with multi-order fractional derivatives in electrohydrodynamic flows , TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics , accepted, ( 2020). 17.Obaida M. Al-Hazaimeh, Mohammad F. Al-Jamal, A.K. Alomari, Mohammed J. Bawaneh, Nedal Tahat,’ Image encryption using anti-synchronization and Bogdanov transformation map, Int. J. of Computing Science and Mathematics, accepted, Vol. X, No. Y ( 2019). 18.A.K. Alomari, Mohammad F. Al-Jamal and Nedal Tahat, ‘ Anti–Synchronization of Nonidentical Fractional Order Hyperchaotic Systems,’ Int. J. of Computing Science and Mathematics, 2020, 12(3), pp. 297–308. 19. Djamel Herbadji, Nadir Derouiche, Aissa Belmeguenai, Nedal Tahat and Selma Boumerdassi A new colour image encryption approach using a combination of two 1D chaotic map,’ Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, accepted, Vol. x, No. x,(2019) 20. Nedal Tahat, A. K. Alomari, Ajab Al–Freedi, Obaida M. Al-Hazaimeh and Mohammad F. Al–Jamal , “ An Efficient Identity-Based Cryptographic Model for Chebyhev Chaotic Map and Integer Factoring Based Cryptosystem” Journal of Applied Security Research, 2019, Vol. 14, No. 3, 257–269. (2019) (Scopus, Taylor and Francis) 21. Nedal Tahat, Eddie S. Ismail and Ashraf H. Aljammal,” A cryptosystem based on chaotic maps and factoring problems” Int. J. Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol. 15, No. 1, 55-64. (Scopus Q3) (2019). 22. Nedal Tahat, Rania Shaqboua, Emad E. Abdallah, Mohammad Bsoul, Wasfi Shatanawi,”A new digital signature scheme with message recovery using hybrid problems, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 3576-3583. (2019 ) (Scopus Q2). 23. Nedal Tahat and Mohammad Hijazi, A New Digital Signature Scheme Based on Chaotic Maps and Quadratic Residue Problems, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences. 13, No. 1, 115-120 (2019) (Scopus) 24. Nedal Tahat and Eddie Esmail’ Improvement of Signature Scheme Based on Factoring and Chaotic Maps, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Vol. 10, No. 2, (2018 )(Scopus (Elsevier)) 25. Nedal Tahat, Partially Blind Signature Scheme Based on Chaotic maps and Factoring Problem. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. N. 39. (165-177) , (2018) (ISI, Scopus) 26. Nedal Tahat and Emad Abdallah, Hybrid publicly verifiable authenticated encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and factoring poroblems, Journal of Applied Security Research, vol.13. No.3. pp. 304-314. (2018) (Scopus, Taylor and Francis) 27. Ashraf H Aljammal, Ahmad M Manasrah, Alaa E Abdallah, and Nedal M Tahat’ A new architecture of cloud computing to enhance the load balancing. International Journal of Business Information Systems. Vol. 25, No. 3. P. 393-405.( 2017) (Scopus (Elsevier)) 28 Nedal Tahat . Convertible multi-authenticated encryption scheme with verifiable based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology.vol. 54, No.3, 2016 (Scopus (Elsevier)) 29 Feras Bani-Ahmad1, “Mohd Taib” Shatnawi, Nedal Tahat and Safaa Shatnawi. A New Kind of Digital signature scheme using golden matrices based on factoring problem. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 107 No. 1 2016, 49- 57.(Scopus). 30. Nedal Tahat and E Abdallah, A proxy partially blind signature approach usingelliptic curve cryptosystem. International Journal of Mathematics in Operation Research. , V. 8, No. 1, 2016 (Scopus (Elsevier). 31. M. Bsoul, A Abdallah, K Almakhadmeh and N. Tahat, A Round-based data replication strategy. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vo.26. 2015 Impact Factor: 2.173, ( ISI). 32. Nedal Tahat, Khaled Alzubi , Maysam Abu-Dalu and Ala Qadomi. An efficient stamped proxy partially blind signature scheme utilizing elliptic curve cryptosystem. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. V.105, No. 2 . 2015,pp. 297-309. (Scopus) 33 Nedal Tahat and Feras Bani Ahmad. Ordering on Vague Soft Set. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. V. 11, N. 5 (2015), pp. 3189–3193 (Scopus) 34. Nedal Tahat and E. Abdallah. A New signing algorithm based on elliptic curve discrete logarithms and quadratic residue problems. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vo.32. pp. 125-132. (2014). (ISI, Scopus) 35. Nedal Tahat, A new proxy signature scheme with a semi-trusted third party based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Int. J. Security and Networks, Vol. 8, No. 4,pp.207-2011 (2013). (Scopus (Elsevier)) 36. Nedal Tahat, A new conic curve digital signature scheme with message recovery and without one-way hash functions. Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series Vol. 40(2), pp. 148-153 (2013). (Scopus , monitored by Thomson ISI ) 37. Nedal Tahat, Fail-Stop designated recipient signature scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vo.31.PP. 205- 218. (2013). (ISI, Scopus) 38. Nedal Tahat, K. A. Alzu'bi and I. Abu-Falahah' An Efficient Self Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problems. Applied Mathematical science,Vol. 7, no. 78, 3853 – 3860. (2013), (Scopus) 39. A.K. Alomari, F. Awawdeh, N. Tahat , F. Bani Ahmad and W. Shatanawi, Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations: Analytic approach' Applied Mathematics and Computation' vol. 219.Issue 17, pp.8893-8903.(2013) (Elsevier, ISI , Impact Factor 1.454). 40. V. Rajic, S. Radenovic, W. Shatnawi and N. Tahat. Common fixed point result for weakly is one increasing mappings in partially ordered spaces. LE Matematiche. 68 (2), pp.191- 204 41. Nedal Tahat, E.S. Ismail and Feras Bani-Ahmad. ID-Based signature scheme usingthe conic curve over ???? on two hard problem. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. V. 77. No. 3 pp, 443-452.( 2012) . (Scopus) 42. Nedal Tahat , Z. Mustafa and A. K. Alomari' New ID-Based digital signature scheme on factoring and discrete logarithms . Applied Mathematical science, vol. 6., no.28,pp.1363- 1369. (2012) (Scopus) 43. Nedal Tahat. A new design partially blind signature based on two mathematical problem. World Academy of Science, Engineering and technology 68.pp. 1321- 1325. (2012) 44. Nedal Tahat, H. Aydi, E. Karapinar and W. Shatanawi. Common fixed point for single- valued and multi-valued maps satisfying a generalized contraction in G-metric spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Application.48. (2012): (Springer, ISI, Impact Factor: 2.49) 45. H. Aydi, W. Shatanawi, M. Postolache, Z. Mustafa and N. Tahat. Theorem for Boyd- Wong- Type contractions in ordered metric spaces. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Vo 2012 Article ID 359054.( ISI , Impact Factor: 1.101) 46. W. Shatanawi, M. Abbas, H. Aydi and N. Tahat. Common coupled coincidence and coupled fixed point in G-metric spaces. Nonlinear Analysis and Application, vol. 2012. Article ID jnaa-00162. (2012) 47. W. Shatanawi, H. Nashine and N. Tahat. Generalization of some coupled fixed results on partial metric spaces. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. Volume, Article ID 686801. (2012) (Scopus) 48. E. Ismail and N. Tahat. The modified signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithms. Information Security Journal.; 20(4-5): pp.245-249. (2011) ( Taylor and Francis , Scopus) 49. E. Ismail and N. Tahat. A new signature scheme based on multiple hard number theoretic problems. ISRN Communication and Networking. Article ID 231649. (2011). (Hindawi, Scopus) 50. W. Shatanawi, Z. Mustafa and N. Tahat. Some coincidence point theorem for nonlinear contraction in ordered meytric spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Application. 68. (2011). (ISI, impact factor: 2.49 ) 51. Nedal Tahat, S. Shatnawi and E. Ismail. A new partially blind signature based on factoring and discrete logarithm. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,. 4(2): 124-129. (ISSN 1549-3644) ). (2008) (Scopus) 52. Nedal Tahat, E. Ismail and R. .R. Ahmad. A new blind signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithm. International Journal of Cryptology Research.. 1(1): 1-9.( ISSN 1985-5753). (2009) (Scopus) 53. E. Ismail, N. Tahat and R. R. Ahmad. A new signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithms. Journal of Discrete Mathematical and Cryptography,. 12(3): 313-318. (ISSN 0972-0510). )2009). (Scopus ) 54. E. Ismail , N. Tahat and R. R. Ahmad. A new digital signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithms. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.. 14:pp. 2336-2346 . (2008) (Scopus)
• Feb. 2016— Up now: Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, Jordan. • Feb 2011-Jan. 2016: Assistance Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, Jordan. • Sep.2010-Jun. 2011: Teaching Assistance, Dep. Of Mathematics, Irbid National University/Jordan • Sep. 2001-July. 2006: Part time lecturer, Dep. of Mathematics, Ajman University/UAE • Sep. 1999-July 2007: Mathematics teacher, Ministry of Education, UAE. • Sep. 1994-Aug.1999: Mathematics teacher , Ministry of Education, Jordan.
1. Calculus I 2. Calculus II 3. Calculus III 4. Ordinary Differential Equations 5. Linear algebra (I) 6. Number theory 7. Graph Theory 8. Abstract algebra 9. Topology 10. Special functions 11. Discrete mathematics 12. Abstract algebra 13. Mathematical for engineering 14. Principles of Statistics 15. Mathematics for Economics and Business
• Feb. 2021-Now. Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, Jordan. • Feb. 2016— now: Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, Jordan. • Feb 2011-Jan. 2016: Assistance Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, Jordan. • Sep.2010-Jun. 2011: Teaching Assistance, Dep. Of Mathematics, Irbid National University/Jordan • Sep. 2001-July. 2006: Part time lecturer, Dep. of Mathematics, Ajman University/UAE • Sep. 1999-July 2007: Mathematics teacher, Ministry of Education, UAE. • Sep. 1994-Aug.1999: Mathematics teacher, Ministry of Education, Jordan
1)Feb 2011-Till Now: Assistance Professor, Dep. Of Mathematics, The Hashemite University 2)Sep. 2010- Jun 2011:Assistance Professor, Dep. Of Mathematics, Irbid National University 3)Feb 2001-July 2006:Part-time lecturer, Dep. Of Mathematics, Ajman University/UAE 4) Sep.1999-july 2007:Teacher , Ministry of Education, UA 5)Sep.1995-Aug.1998:Part-time Teaching and Research Assistant, school of Mathematics, AL al-Bayt University 6)Sep. 1994- Aug.1999:Teacher , Ministry of Education, UAE
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