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Ramzi Bader Helal Albadarneh
Ph.D. Degree in applied mathematics
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
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Research interests 1. Finite difference method. 2. Numerical methods to solve boundary value problems for partial differential equation. 3. Generalization of explicit and implicit formula to approximate a general partial derivative to functions of k variables. 4. Continuous Genetic Algorithms. 5. Fractional Calculus
Published and Accepted Articles 1. Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak using Fractional-Order Systems, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.16, no.4, 2021 (Accepted 2021). 2. Numerical Approach of Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivative Operator, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Accepted 2021). 3. A New RSA Public Key Encryption Scheme with Chaotic Maps, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) ,vol. 10, no.2, April 2020, pp. 1430~1437. 4. Analytic Solution Of Nonlinear Singular BVP With Multi-Order Fractional Derivatives In Electrohydrodynamic Flows, J. App. Eng. Math., (Accepted 2020). 5. Design Of Identity-Based Blind Signature Scheme Upon Chaotic Maps, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.15, no.2, 2020. 6. A Novel Continuous Genetic Algorithm Technique for the Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Accepted 2020) 7. Numerical Simulation For Fractional Phi-4 Equation Using Homotopy Sumudu Approach, Int. J. Simulation and Process Modelling, vol.16, no.1, 2021. 8. Approximate Analytic Solution For Lorenz System With Time Delay, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Accepted 2020). 9. Analytical Solutions Of Linear And Non-Linear Incommensurate Fractional-Order Coupled Systems, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science vol.21, no.2 , 2021, pp. 776-790. 10. Dynamics Analysis Of Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Networks, International Journal of Biomathematics, vol.13, no.08, 2020, (2050083). 11. Numerical Solutions For Linear And Non-Linear Fractional Differential Equations, International journal of pure and applied mathematics, vol.106, no.3, pp.859-871, 2016. 12. Numerical Solutions For Linear Fractional Differential Equations Of Order 1< a < 2 Using Finite Difference Method (FFDM), J. Math. Computer Sci. vol.1,pp. 103-111, 2016. 13. A Reliable Analytical Method For Solving Higher-Order Initial Value Problems, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2013, (673829). 14. Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves In An Inhomogeneous Magnetized Two-IonTemperature Dusty Plasma, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, vol.7, no.8, pp.379-384, 2013. 15. General (n+1)-Explicit Finite Difference Formulas With Proof, applied Mathematical Science, vol.6, no.20, pp. 995-1009, 2012. 16. Numerical Solution of Semi linear Elliptic Equations Using 13-Points FDM, International Mathematical Forum, vol. 5, no. 11, pp.527-536, 2010. 17. Solution of Laplace Equation Using Continuous Genetic Algorithms, Kuwait journal of science and engineering, vol.37, no.2A, pp.1-15, 2010. 18. General Numerical Method to Approximate the Partial Derivative Based on Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial, International Journal of Computational Science, vol.3, no.3, pp.299-308, 2009.
MSc Students: 1. Iqbal Batiha, Numerical Solution for Fractional Differential Equation using Finite Difference Method, Al al-Bayt University (2014). 2. Omer Sulaiman, Modified Numerical Solution for Fractional Differential Equation using Finite Difference Method, Irbid National University (2018). 3. Asma Almomani, Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equation using Power Series, Al al-Bayt University(2019).
1. Chair, Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, from 2017-2020. 2. Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, 2017-present. 3. Chair, Basic Sciences Department from 2015-2016. 4. Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, 2011-2017.
Courses Taught: 1. Numerical Analysis. 2. Numerical Methods. 3. Linear Programming. 4. Solving Problem. 5. Ordinary Differential equations. 6. Principles of algebra. 7. Calculus1. 8. Calculus 2. 9. Calculus 3. 10.Advanced Calculus 11.Mathematical Software. 12. MATLAB programming (Lap). 13. MATLAB Course. 14.Mathematics for businesses. 15.Euclidean and non-Euclidian geometric. 16.Analytical geometric and algebra 17.Analytical geometric and transformations. 18.General Mathematics. 19.Linear algebra 1. 20.Linear Algebra 2. 21.Ring and field theory. 22.Computational Number Theory. 23.Intermediate Analysis. 24. Discrete Mathematics. 25. Introduction to elementary statistics.
Experience 1. Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, 2017 present. 2. Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, 2011 2017. 3. Assistant Professor at the Department of sciences and Mathematics, Philadelphia University, 2009-2011. 4. Part time instructor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Jordan (Amman -Jordan) 2007-2009. 5. Full time instructor at the Department of Mathematics, Medina Teachers' College, ministry of education. 2003-2006. 6. Teacher at ministry of Education (Jordan-AL Mafraq) 2000-2003.
Editorial Board Members: 1 . International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (IJCAM) 2. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences (JAMS) 3. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences (IJPAMS)
Conferences 1. Fractional Euler Method And Finite Difference Formula Using Conformable Fractional Derivative, International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, 2015. 2. General explicit difference formulas for Numerical partial derivative of functions of k-dimensions. The Second Graduate studies Research Conference 2009.
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