Strong academic background with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physics from Michigan State University (MSU).
Ability to work independently. Experienced educator/researcher with a track record of working in higher education.
Professional in nanostructure design, manufacturing, and characterization. Skilled in mathematical modelling and
public speaking

Research Profiles: Google Scholar, Clarivate, Scopus Nanoparticles Lab @ HU
General Physics I Syllabus (Phys 101)
General Physics II Syllabus (Phys 102)
General Medical Physics Syllabus (Phys 109)
Mathematical Physics I (Phys 281)
Mathematical Physics II (Phys 282)
Classical Electrodynamics I Syllabus (Phys 331)
Classical Electrodynamics II Syllabus (Phys 332)
Quantum Mechanics I Syllabus (Phys 362)
Quantum Mechanics II Syllabus (Phys 364)
Physics of Materials and Heat Syllabus (Phys 141)
Thermodynamics Syllabus (Phys 341)
Statistical Mechanics Syllabus (Phys 442)
Mathematical Physics I (Phys 281) and II (Phys 282)
Phys 281 syllabus
Phys 282 syllabus
Homeworks solutions
Phys 281 Phys 282
HW # 1 HW # 1
HW # 2 HW # 2
HW # 3 HW # 3
HW # 4 HW # 4
HW # 5 HW # 5
HW # 6 HW # 6
HW # 7 HW # 7
HW # 8 HW # 8
HW # 9 HW # 9
HW # 10 HW # 10
Electrodynamics I (Phys 331) and II (Phys 332)
Phys 331 syllabus
Phys 332 syllabus
Homeworks solutions
Phys 331 Phys 332
HW # 1 HW # 10
HW # 2 HW # 11
HW # 3 HW # 12
HW # 4 HW # 13
HW # 5 HW # 14
HW # 6 HW # 15
HW # 7 HW # 16
HW # 8
HW # 9
Example 5.2
Summary of boundary conditions of E and B
Phys 741 Graduate Statistical Mechanics ( Fall 2017/18 )
Syllabus Special Integrals, Functions, and Series Sheet
Homeworks and solutions :
HW # 1 Solution
HW # 2 Solution
HW # 3 Solution
HW # 4 Solution
HW # 5 Solution
HW # 6 Solution
HW # 7 Solution
HW # 8 Solution
Phys 761 Graduate Quantum Mechanics ( Fall 2016/17 )
Lecture notes ( handwritten ): 
- 3D motion in spherical coordinates
- The free particle in spherical coordinates
- The 3D spherical square well
- The 3D isotropic harmonic oscillator
- The Hydrogen atom
- Infinitesimal and finite rotation in QM
- Algebra of angular momentum
- Spin 1/2 Pauli theory
- Addition of angular momenta and Clebseh-Gordan coefficients
- Coupling of orbital and spin angular momenta
- Scattering cross section and scattering amplitude
- Potential scattering and Born approximation
- Partial waves analysis
- Stationary perturbation (time independent perturbations)
- Degenerate and non-degenerate perturbations
- The Stark effect
- The fine structure ( relativistic and spin-orbit corrections)
- Anomalous Zeeman Effect
- The variational method
- The WKB method (if time permits !!)
- Time dependent perturbation theory
( includes: transition probability, sudden perturbation, adiabatic perturbation, harmonic perturbation, and Fermi's Golden rule)
Homeworks and solutions :
HW # 1 Solution
HW # 2 Solution
HW # 3 Solution
HW # 4 Solution
HW # 5 Solution
HW # 6 Solution
HW # 7 Solution
Good Luck 