الأبحاث المنشورة

عنوان البحثاسم المجلةموضوع البحثسنة النشرDOIالرابط الالكتروني
Impact of Anxiety and Depression on the Level of Asthma Control Among Jordanian Adults with AsthmaJournal of Asthma and Allergy Respiratory system, lung diseases, allergic diseases2024  زيارة الرابط
HumanPapillomavirus Is Rare and Does Not Correlate with p16INK4A Expression in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in a Jordanian SubpopulationMedicinaOncology, Lung cancer pathology2024  زيارة الرابط
Prevalence and clinicopathological associations of HER2 expression in nonsmall cell lung cancer: a retrospective study in Jordanian patientsDiagnostic PathologyLung pathology2023  زيارة الرابط
[HTML] from nih.gov Transformation of a neural activation and patterning modelEMBO reportsDevelopmental biology2019  زيارة الرابط